A story of a 'Call to Prayer'

While walking on the streets of an old city in the deep south of the United States along the Atlantic Ocean, IMB workers on Stateside Assignment heard a very familiar sound which they often hear in their home in Kenya, the Islamic Call to Prayer. Looking around, they spot the source of the music, a restaurant serving food from India.  

Their questions: How many Christians are hearing the music and words and know what they are hearing? How many know enough to use this sound as a call to prayer for people in our world without the peace and joy offered through our Saviour. How many times each day do we cross paths with people from other cultures, other nations, other languages, other religions? How can we share with Believers in Southern Baptist churches that they do not need a plane ticket to be on mission with their Father? How do we help American Christians see those from other nations whom they meet daily in stores and restaurants, in doctor’s offices, and on and on, people who have not lived in the United States for generations who are waiting for someone to befriend them, someone to share their lives with them, and often someone who can help them know more of the God worshipped by Christians.

To hear a bit of a Call to Prayer, visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cF2bf8hC_sU.

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